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January 6, 1973



Started as an INTERSTITIAL (a show that runs between shows), SCHOOL HOUSE ROCK made it's debut on the ABC Network on this day in 1973 during the Saturday Morning Cartoon time that was the norm from the major networks back when I was a kid.

These animated, musical, educational short films covered themes including grammar, science, economics, history, mathematics, and civics. The series' original run lasted from 1973 to 1984; it was later revived from 1993 to 1996. Additional episodes were produced in 2009 for direct-to-video release.

Featuring such (now) classic shorts as "Conjunction Junction", "Interplanet Janet" and, of course, "I'm Just A Bill", these short films were an instant hit.

SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK was the brainchild of David McCall, an advertising executive who's son was struggling to learn his multiplication tables. He did notice that his son knew every word of Rolling Stones songs, so he hired musician Bob Dorough to write a song that would teach his son math tables. This turned out to be "Three Is The Magic Number". Tom Yohe, an illustrator at the advertising firm that McCall worked at heard the song and suggested they pitch it as a television series. Michael Eisner (future CEO of Disney - who was then VP of ABC) liked the idea as did famed cartoon director Chuck Jones.

It started as "Multiplication Rock", the next season was "Grammar Rock" followed in the 3rd season by "America Rock" (coinciding with the Bicentennial of the United States). The 4th season was "Science Rock" and a shortened, 4 episode "Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips" taught about the new-fangled "Home Computer".

After leaving the airwaves in 1985, the series was revived, briefly in 1993 with 2 more "Grammar Rock" segments and a whole new series "Money Rock" debuted in 1995.

The Walt Disney Company (now run by Michael Eisner) acquired the rights to the series in 1996 and bundled all of these segments together in a home VHS series called "Schoolhouse Rock".

With the release of the series on DVD in 2009, a dozen "Earth Rock" segments (touting environmental issues) was introduced.

All Episodes of Schoolhouse Rock are streaming on Disney+.

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May 16, 1929


On this day - May 16 - in 1929, the first Academy Awards were held. In an effort to unite the five branches of the film industry - actors, directors, producers, technicians and writers - MGM icon Louis B. Mayer established the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scientists. His thinking was that if they gave out Awards, “they would kill them to produce what I wanted”. His thinking worked.
The first ceremony was held at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, attended by 270 and was hosted by Douglas Fairbanks. The actual handing out of the 12 awards lasted all of 15 minutes (the winners were notified in advance to ensure attendance). The winner of first BEST PICTURE award was WINGS while Best Actor went to EMIL JANNINGS and Best Actress was JANET GAYNOR. Interestingly enough, both performers won the award for multiple performances of the year - a practice I would endorse for current times.

On this day in Entertainment History: News


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